Bleak Elf Bastion
The next big thing from Scenic Play is here. A full tables worth of highly detailed, themed, and easy to print gaming scenery. Support free printing, print-in-place doors, massive centerpiece model,
20+ Stretch goals planned, and a lifetime merchant license available.
Watch the Trailer

Get your Bleak Elf Runestone free.
Check out this sample from the new campaign!
The Old Keep
A collection of highly detailed fantasy building models delivered as hassle free STL files. For the first time in printable terrain, every file is printable in both filament and resin. Each part is optimized, print tested, and efficient on material.

Bleak Elf Bastion Late Pledge
Bleak Elf Bastion Late Pledge is live!The Old Keep Kickstarter campaign is...

The Old Keep and a Cello
Scenic Play
Founded in 2022 we're passionate about miniaturepainting, tabletop gaming, and 3d sculpting. We strive to release models that we'd like to both paint and use on our own tables.